Vincent M. Igo PTO
Welcome all Igo families to the 2022-2023 school-year! The PTO is committed to enriching the experience of our students and we continue to explore ways to engage in rewarding activities and promote our fundraising efforts.
We want to make sure that our community remains connected, and to do that, we encourage you to join the Igo PTO email list and receive important information about PTO happenings, school updates, and our PTO Email Blast. To do so, just EMAIL IGOPTO@GMAIL.COM and we will get you added!
Also, be sure to list your contact information in our Friendship Book. Parents and children in the Igo community use the Friendship Book to share contact information with classmates for school and social activities. It contains class listings with students’ names, addresses and phone numbers as well as parent/guardian names and e-mail addresses. Please submit your contact information via the form or via email.
The Igo way is as follows:
Igo students choose to be:
Safe and Secure
Respectful and Responsible
Positive and Productive
Kind and Courteous
We celebrate and accept our differences. Together we are stronger!